Saturday, August 6, 2011


Found this poem on the internet. I found this poem intriguing.  As you read it think about it. What its like to be in their shoes before you start to judge someone for who they are!  
Can you imagine the isolated soul
with no-one in sight to hear
the cries and the tears that your heart would shed,
and the constant, looming fear?
Can you see in your mind the life of a man
without anywhere to belong?
Because a society judged him unworthy,
because they think they’re right, and he’s wrong.
Try and imagine the pain that you’d feel,
with sneers and hateful words, and spit at your heels.
What would it be like if the gates were locked;
you couldn’t get in, and you couldn’t get out?
Imagine the feeling that you’re worthless,
some dirt that’s been stepped on by someone’s uncaring shoe.
Perhaps at that point it’s too much for your heart,
and you take your own life, to stop it hurting you.
Imagine this world, for maybe a minute,
after that you can stop; you don’t like it, sure
but there are people who go through this every day,
and they can’t stop it, unless they’re no more.
So when you hear of hate, bigots and death,
don’t side with haters, cause that’s how you’ve been bred.
Imagine how it is, or was for that guy,
the one that’s hurt, or lying dead.
So imagine the feelings and memories too,
of people oppressed, hated, abused;
Of people who lived outside of that fence
and what they came to – does it make sense?

A Look Back On Life

The old woman sat back in the night
Watching the stars shine so bright
She smiled contently up at the sky
As she thought of how her life flew by
A tear ran down her cheek in despair
Wondering why life was so unfair
She closed her eyes and pondered the years
And thought of how she got over her fears
Her skin was wrinkled but her sprit was strong
She looked back on her life through all the wrong
Time had passed swiftly, and the end was near
She would sleep, be at rest, peace was finally here
That's right the love of my life! <3

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Stars Outstretched Arms

Can the stars truly speak to your heart?  Does the moon really read deep into your soul?  I was driving home late after a movie with a friend.  I couldn't help but look up into the sky.  I saw beauty in everything.  It was spectacular.  It was as if the sky was reaching down and wrapping its loving arms around me, holding me close, telling me it was okay.  Tears streamed down my face.  These tears were strange, unfamiliar, different.  A feeling I can't quite explain.  The road seemed dark and peaceful yet not alone. The sky filled the earth below with its beauty and grace.  I felt as if God's arms embraced me and an Angel comforted me in the stillness of the night.  I could here the misery of my own tears pouring down my cheeks.  I cried out to God my life confused but yet clear.  My tear filled eyes met the stars and warmth surrounded my heart, unanswered questions became clear, God had finally arrived.  God's love is so powerful, real, and majestic.  At times it doesn't seem clear but He always has a way of showing you the truth.  His love so strong that He gives each and everyone of us an opportunity of a life time and He'll do anything to help us receive that gift.  A home full of love grace, hope, cheer, freedom, and everything we've ever dreamed of.  Tonight God showed me his Love and acceptance through the stars in the sky and the stillness of the moon.  He comforted me and brought tears to my eyes in a way I never imagined possible.  The beauty struck me like fire.  So many feelings battling, fighting for the trophy of success.  Feelings bitter, sweet, and unknown.  Feelings forcing their way in trying to take me over, make me feel the pain, regret, and sorrow of life.  Satan was battling his way in.  Trying to make me feel miserable.  But God's love and compassion was strong and he protected me against all harm as He's always done. Tonight God filled my heart with peace and hope.  He gave me a desire to pursue my dreams, to conquer my fears, to open my eyes to a new beginning.  He answered my prayers and whispered in my mind, "Katy it doesn't have to end here."  Finally the voice spoke once again...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bread for a Janitor?

Tired from a long day I made my way back to my dorm room.  Arms full of two fresh loaves of bread.  I walked to my RA's door planning to share a loaf.  I knocked but no answer.  I made my way down the hall and thought, "Hey I'll give it to one of my friends."  I stopped at her room a few doors down. knocked but still no answer.  Hmm I thought, I guess I'll just come back later when one of them is back.  Exhausted I opened my door and put my schoool bag down and my loaves of fresh bread on the counter.  As I walked back to close the door a thought surfaced my mind.  A small voice within said, "Share the loaf of bread with the janitor cleaning on your hall."  Me suprised by the voice replied, "What?  Really?  You want me to offer a loaf of bread to a girl scrubbing toilets? Isn't that gross thinking about food when your cleaning a bathroom?  Seems unsanitary to me."  But persistant the voice continued to convince me that it was what needed to be done.  Coming to the realization that this small voice might be God, I agreed.  I thought, "What do I have to lose.  I mean if she doesn't want it at least I tried and listened to my instinct."  I walked into the janitor closet where she gathered her cleaning supplies.  With headphones in her ears it made it difficult to gather her attention.  Finally she saw me and removed an earbud from her ear.  I looked at her and said, "I have this extra loaf of fresh homemade bread and I won't be able to eat it soon enough before it goes bad.  I thought you might like to have it."  Her eyes full of suprise she looked at me astonished, "Really?  I can have it?  For me?"  I nodded.  She continued on, "This is perfect!  Exactly what I needed.  I was actually just thinking that I needed to go to the store to get bread.  But this is great.  Thank you so much!"  As I walked back into my room I thought to myself, "God you are right.  You always are.  That was your voice.  You always can see the larger picture and know whats best."  As weird as giving bread to a janitor cleaning bathrooms seemed to me, God had a purpose for it.  I realized that day that sometimes I can't see the purpose but I need to trust the small voice of God and do as He says.  Listen and resppond in the way He advices becaues He has a purpose for even the smallest of things.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

He Heard My Prayer

I struggled to get to the doorway.  Where was my energy, motivation, drive, and stamina that I'd always had?  I couldn't express my feelings.  Half the time I didn't even know what they were, but for once in my life I felt the pain, hurt, and misery that I'd bottled up for years.  The feeling hit me like a wave, unstoppable, strong, and crushing. My heart ached, my mind lost, my body weary.  Drained I made my way to the couch and forced a smile across my face.  The woman I was meeting sat across from me.  Her face full of delight, she smiled and began to ask me how I was doing.  I sat upright, smiled, and continued to appear as if nothing was wrong.  I didn't want to expose my feelings of hurt and pain.  I needed to be strong and protect myself.  I sat there in silent frusteration with God.  Praying rapidly in my mind.  Venting all my lifes frusterations, questions, and concerns to God.  I just continued listening to the woman as she advised me on how to succeed my freshman year in college.  Discouraged with God's silence I felt overwhelmed, unheard, and abandoned by his voice.  I was impatient.  I wanted God to make everything clear right then and there.  I began to pray in my mind, "God why aren't you hearing me out, why aren't you listening, where did you go?"  Then interrupted by the woman's voice she said, "Is there anything you would like to pray about?"  I looked up at her and said, "Just to help me figure everything out."  Me anxious to leave and battling with a silent God in my head was glad to hear her finally getting to the traditional closing prayer of our discussion.  Bowing our heads; the woman praying aloud and me silently praying along with her.  Her words began to startle me.  How did she know what I was saying? Was I praying aloud?  Did I say something?  I opened my eyes in fear of finding myself talking without realization.  But instead I found a peacefull woman speaking the words from my prayer. Her words were so crystal clear and perfect.  They matched my every thought, feeling, and question identically.  I sat there in amazement watching her lips utter the words of my heart. Finally her eyes opened and met mine. Me in schock, quickly thanked her and walked out the door.  As I left my heart wasn't healed but it had changed.  I walked out with a new insight and whispered quietly, "Okay God I was wrong, you are there and you always were.  I was just to blind to see it."  I realized that day God doesn't always speak to you in the way you imagine. That day he suprised me and used that woman's voice to reach out to me.  He spoke through her to reveal to me that he truly did exisit and that He was listening to my every word.

Breaking the Walls of Comfort

Many nights I would lie awake wondering when, where, and how I'd ever possibly here God's voice.  I always questioned every thought that went through my mind.  When the idea seemed unsafe, uncomfortable, or strange I shoved it out the window.  I always prayed that God would open my eyes, and often wondered if I was blind.  Whenever I heard a random voice I was never for sure if it was God talking or directing my life. I always questioned if the voice was truly Him? Or was it just me making up a voice for Him because I needed to hear something?  Was it Satan throwing random ideas into my mind to throw me off track?  How could I possibly know for sure that it was God? I prayed continually that God would give me a sign that He was there guiding my every move, picking me up when I'd fallen, hearing my prayers, answering my prayers, and most of all just being apart of my everyday life.  At the time God seemed unreachable and life out of hand.  I didn't know where to go or who to turn too.  One evening I went to an evening worship.  I walked into the candle lit room and sat down on an empty pew.  In front of me sat this lonely girl, her head down, her eyes closed, and her body tense.  She looked in misery.  I couldn't help but start to pray for her.  I prayed for God to comfort her, to bring peace to her heart, to uplift her...and suddenly in the middle of my prayer the still small voice spoke out. It said, "Sit by her, wrap your arms around her, and tell her she's loved by God and that He'll never forget her."  Astonised I began to argue, "No way, you know good and well that's way out of my comfort zone, she'll think I'm weird."  The voice continued to push me to get up and pursue the hurting girl. Unfortunately I left the chapel that evening without saying a word or approaching the lost child of God.  I mean how could I?  There's no way she could be okay with that?  But as I walked away regret filled my heart.  I began to wonder if I would of said something or just hugged her...would that of healed her of her pain?  Would it of showed her God's love?  Showed her that people do care?  Regrettably it was to late, the girl was out of sight and all I had left was the memory of her sorrowful shadow.  To this day I picture the girl on the pew and regret not reaching my arms around her and whispering in her ear that someone does care, and always cares, He is our God, and never forget that.  I realized from that moment on that I needed to break the walls of my comfort and the next time God challenged me I would face the fear of failure.  It hit me that sometimes in life it's better to fail or not make a difference and be able to say that you tried than to not try at all.  I knew from then on that the voice inside my head was real, and that it was God. He was truly trying to open my eyes so I could see!  And I did.